Building and Running an Auditing Solution on Blockchain

On 21st February, I will be conducting an event at Microsoft NYC campus on building and running a fully functional blockchain based audit trail application.

The first half is a good fit for both business and technical audiences, as it covers auditing scenarios using blockchain. The latter half will showcase an open source project that provides tracking of Wikipedia change logs using blockchain.

I will do a deep dive into the running solution that leverages the Ethereum Rinkeby Network. I will showcasing open source project
Wikipedia logs change tracking” that I am currently working on.

Session Summary

  • 6:30 PM | Overview of auditing capabilities of blockchain
  • 7 PM – 9 PM | Project Showcase – Tracking/Auditing Changes from Wikipedia Logs.
  • Q&A + Demos
  • Developers are encouraged to bring their laptops running Mac OS or Windows 10 (or Windows Server 2016). Instructions to setup the project will be provided during the session.